#206 ISLAM: Between Ignorant Followers and Incapable Scholars

"In this article, Abdul Qadir wrote a critical critique-essay, regarding the constituents of man-made law and the divine law made by Allah"

Title      : ISLAM: Between Ignorant Followers and Incapable Scholars
Writer   : Abdul Qadir Awdah
Pages    : 29 (Article based)

Asy-Syahid, Abdul Qadir Awdah - A martyr, fighter, judge, scholar, and once the general representative of Muslim Brotherhood (read: Ikhwanul Muslimin). Hanged to death on the 7th of December 1954 [1] by the order of Gemal Abdul Nasser, the tyrant of Egypt at that time. Along with him is his other five Muslim Brotherhood companions, namely Asy-Syahid Muhammad Farghali, Asy-Syahid Yusuf Thal’at, Asy-Syahid Ibrahim Ath-Thib, Asy-Syahid Mahmud Abdul Lathif and Asy-syahid Handawi Duwair [1]. Abdul Qadir Awdah is a prominent scholar known to the whole world, and a contemporary Islamic movement leader. He successfully written an important and critical books regarding the constitutions and implementation of legislations on humanity and is referred by many until this very day.

In this article, Abdul Qadir wrote a critical critique-essay, regarding the constituents of man-made law and the divine law made by Allah – the divine law of Islamic jurisprudence. Abdul Qadir holistically compared the two laws and at the same time explains bit by bit about the Islamic jurisprudence. The comparison that Abdul Qadir outlined in this article are blatant. The main arguments are almost common but Abdul Qadir put it together in a very detailed manner. Abdul Qadir put it very clearly in this article (especially to the muslims who understands and preach basic Islam, and more so to those who are familiar with collective struggle, or in a more familiar term - “abnaul harakah”) the difference between the Islamic jurisprudence and the man-made laws. How they differ which each other and how the Islamic jurisprudence ultimately deny the very constituents of the man-made laws based on the arguments from Quran, thus refuted the fallacies of the man-made arguments. Not only that, Abdul Qadir blatantly condemns the incapability of the Islamic scholars in which they were kept shut (or choose to be silent). The muslim masses were misled by the silence of these authoritative islamic scholars, leaving the not-islamically-educated groping about in conjectural bidding, believing that they are actually on the right path of Islam. Abdul Qadir vehemently condemns the Islamic scholars whom neglect their duty vis a vis advocating the Islamic jurisprudence.

In my opinion, Abdul Qadir wrote this article with a sole, pure intention of getting the muslims (the ignorant followers and the incapable scholars) to understand and to carry out the responsibility of a muslim. Abdul Qadir wrote on how the uneducated muslims should play their role by making effort to learn about the true Islam. To scrutinize every claims regarding Islam whether they were made by a muslim or not. To advocate Islam and to refute any other beliefs or foreign ideology other than Islam. Besides that, the right actions from the Islamic scholars are important. The Islamic scholars nowadays are not able to make intrepid actions. Most of them are bound by the chains of wealth and ‘constituents’, inasmuch the somnolence of these Islamic scholars caused their country to be vulnerable to foreign threats.

We should all play our role in order to make the Islamic jurisprudence to be able to make it on its lofty place again. We should engrave in our hearts the hadith narrated by al-Baihaqi and ad-Daraquthni –

الاسلام يعلو ولا يعلى عليه
Islam dominates, and not the dominated” [2]

May this hadith will always be a reminder to us, stirring our very hearts to the core and to always remember our duty as a muslim that embrace Islam, not to become the ignorant follower, nor the incapable scholars. Let us start by reading this article. Moga Allah merahmati usaha kita semua.

[1]          - Basic history of Abdul Qadir Awdah, can be found on internet.
[2]          - The hadith الاسلام يعلو ولا يعلى عليه - “Al islamu ya’alu wala yu’ula ‘alaih”, narrated by al-Baihaqi (VI/205), from ‘Aidh bin ‘Amr, refer Irwaa-ul Ghalil (V/106 no. 1268), Syaikh al-Albani. And ad-Daraquthni (III/ 181 no. 3564), tahqiq Syaikh ‘Adil Ahmad ‘Abdul Maujud dan Syaikh ‘Ali Mu’awwadh, Darul Ma’rifah, th. 1422 H). https://almanhaj.or.id
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