Title: JILTED GENERATION How Britain Has Banckrupted Its Youth
By: Ed Hawker & Shiv Malik
Publisher: Icon Books Ltd
Page: 292
By: Ed Hawker & Shiv Malik
Publisher: Icon Books Ltd
Page: 292
This book consist of 4 chapter where the authors discuss the problem faced by jilted generation which is:
1. Housing
2. Jobs
3. Inheritance
4. Politics
Jilted generation is those born in September 1979 and afterwards in Britain. (This book discuss the condition in Britain only )
Why they are called Jilted Generation????
Because the the previous generation before the jilted created them. How??? ~read this book ~
Jilted Generation are also called IPOD (Insecure, Pressurised, Overtaxed & Debt-ridden) and KIPPERS (Kids in Parents Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings)
I love how the authors explain about each topic in a flow, where everything is related with each other.
In the first chapter, Housing, the authors describe how the housing scheme affect jilted generation. The authors believe that having a property allow people to be more independent. But, how can we buy property if we have no/not enough money?
The answer is go and find a job. A stable job. This topic is critically discussed in chapter 2.
Now, let's see what is the relationship between Jobs and Inheritance as discussed in chapter 3. Inherintance as explained in this book is the one that was passed from parents to their kids (from generation to the other generation). It is the NATIONAL DEBT. The authors explained about how the national debt can cause unstability to the state's economy.
The last topic discussed is Politics. The one who made decisions for a country is politician. (It's better for you to read it because this topic is very interesting. Too many to write and explained about this topic )
Actually, I don't like writing the summary of the book but I'm afraid people don't understand my opinion then😅.
All in all this book is good as it remind me about what I've learned in Malaysia Study, accounting & EEE. Everything is related.
I love the author explaination about the manipulation of things (creating demand to increase profit) same goes to politics.
I've learn new terms, new words, new vocab and different view from different people. This book is good, interesting, improve your vocab and also a little bit boring because of the fact (maybe because I'm sleepy head)
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